If you put 'publishing license' into a search engine, you'll get music publishing results.
Put in 'license to publish writing', and you'll get 'publish your book', 'self-publish your book',
and 'self-publishing'. Put in 'publish others', you get a link announcing 'The Other Publishing Company is now accepting submissions', and 'How to self-publish a book', '4 ways to self-publish a book', 'self-publishing', 'Publishing...and other forms of insanity.' Put in 'How to publish
someone else's book', and you'll get 'How to get someone else to write your book',
'How to get someone else to pay for publishing your book', 'How to publish a book blog',
and 'Publish someone else's copyrighted book'. You get the idea. Is it just me,
or do these search engines seem catered exclusively toward the individual user?
While we're on that topic, consider this. Does the aforementioned question also apply
to each individual's consciousness in regard toward our perceiving the universe?
Reason I ask is I can't decide if it was all of you people out there who are directly
responsible for having shaped and evolved search engine results to the example above,
or could it possibly be true that the entire universe about me including all the history
of our planet and species combined together amount to nothing more than what is contained
in my very own head, and furthermore this also applies to every other individual on earth?
I don't know why don't you tell me. There's a comment section below, please let me know.